Saturday, February 26, 2011

Like We Used To

I can feel her breath as she's sleeping next to me
Sharing pillows and cold feet
She can feel my heart
Fall asleep to it's beat
Under blankets and warm sheets
If only I could be in that bed again
If only it were me instead of him

Does he watch your favorite movies
Does he hold you when you cry
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to purple rain
Does he do all these things like I used to

14 months and 7 days ago
Oh, I know you know how we felt about that night
Just your skin against the window
Oh, you took it slow
And we both know
It should have been me inside that car
It should have been me instead of him
In the dark

Does he watch your favorite movies
Does he hold you when you cry
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times
Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to purple rain
Does he do all these things like I used to

I know love
(I'm a sucker for that feeling)
Happens all the Time, love
(I Always end up feeling cheated)
You're on my mind, love
(Oh, darling I know I'm not needed)
And that happens all the time, love

Will he love you like I loved you
Will he tell you everyday
Will he make you feel like you're invincible with every word he'll say
Can you promise me if this one's right
Don't throw it all away
Can you do all these things
Will you do all these things like we used to
Oh, like we used to

Not Really Moving On

really like dis pic though..:p
but im not dat kinda guy dat
hav so much intel on religious stuffs so..

owez keep on saying to myself..
"if its not meant to be,then its not meant to be.."

hate to keep thinkin bout it but i cant help myself..
keep me seeing her wif sum other guy..
stalking her and wanted to noe more bout her..

i jus wanna make sure shes safe..
make sure shes happy..

still rmember one day when out to TS..
i brought her dis lil toy..
n i'd said to her..
"let this be ur lil guardian, whenever im not around.."

being like dis makes me hard to move on..
still hope for even a lil bit of chance..
for us to be back together..
its painful and it hurts more than ever..

i noe dat its wrong and silly..
but if dats wat makes u owez being here wif me..
i rather being silly for the rest of my lyfe..

Friday, February 25, 2011

This is not an appropriate entry..

jus wanna share sum thoughts..

had a long and tiring day..
yet full of xperiences..
start of with a loo0o0o0ong lecture bout genetics..
one of my fav lectures but so much to absorb..
*slowdown pls..overload..overload*

next hav a nice lunch break
at chenta mata bistro at plngi smnyih..
nice..n cheap..
later gotta go to work..*chaiyok2*
working late till 5..

dats oll..gotta rest now..
c ya..salam

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


jus thought about dis title after dzuhur prayer tday..
thinkin bout possibilities, changes and chances..
so here it goes..

never thought of being single 
now im like a chick-magnet..
kinda poyo rite..haha
evrywhere go got chicks..
some awesome and attractive chicks..
today gotta speak wif one of my clasmat
 who i kinda hav a twich for..
no went well..
gotta keep my co0ol there..:p

some people say one door closed and another opens..
mayb they're rite..
im gonna keep on being myself..
and giv more attention to me..
which by means i never had to..

so being single is great..
and every greatness has a dark side..
gotta prepare for it though..
never knows what's gonna come..

ok thnx..salam~

No Strings Attached..

late at nyte,.jus wanna end dis day wif sum writing..

so im officially single..
being dumped..
not her fault..neither do i..
jus dont hav da one dat called 'jodoh'..

its actly kinda heart breaking..
but lyfe must go on..aja2 fighting~

myb dis my last one..
hopefully meet dat sum1 dat nver leave me again..


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kap-cincai Notty

kali ni nk cte psal kwn2 kat cni lak..
sahabat susah sng bsame..insyllah~
da anggap cm adek bradek..
ktorg ade closed grup kat fb..kap-cincai notty
sempena kenakalan kami semua..

maaf..agk poyo posing,,xpe..kami x pnh kesah..haha

disebabkan perangai yg x reti dok diam..
kami sntiase planing utk mngade kan function insyllah tiap mggu..
bese la..slagi tmampu ni..jelajah msia yedop..
xkire la dari bercamping smpi ke warung wak jimi..
function tetap function..haha
ok la..stakat ni je la..salam..bye~

mknn dtengah bulan..teh tarek,aer suam n nasik bujang..:p

Monday, February 21, 2011

off to work~

currently im doing part-time job plus study..
so its kinda tough but i can stil bare wif it..huhu
im working at libry in Notts..
kinda shelving and rearrange all the books..
lame n tiring..:p

gotta work hard..thought of getting prepare 
for dat special sum1 to appear 
n accept me though..
aja2 fighting!!  off to work~

new fren 2 talk 2..

dis is my new blog..
hope gonna keep updating it..
jus one of my ways to xpress my self..