Monday, August 11, 2014

Ano Hana

upon pages and pages of entries
we've put down all our emotions
but now i've hit a writer's block
i dont know how to finish this page anymore

putting a bookmark in my diary
you and I go out to ride the bike we found in the dumpster
let's go to our secret place
where we piled up our bricks of memories

run up the hill, where we can see the horizon
where we can see the sky so fearfully blue
with cider in my right hand
my other hand helps me search for you

you used to come find me way back when
you used to demand me of so much more
you're both still standing right by my side
yet why do I pray to see you both again?

there must be something off with me

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ceteknya Pemikiran Aku

Anak muda mahu kebebasan berfikir tapi fikirnya liar tiada haluan merata tanpa ketetapan. Liar bukan bererti bebas. Bebas sebenarnya adalah terpelihara dari kesesatan dan kebuntuan tetapi menetap dengan kadar dan arah tertentu. Jika fikir diterjemahkan pada fesyen, tentu janggal nampaknya anak muda yang berubah-ubah fesyen baju, rambut, make up, tetapi tiada identiti diri.

Muhammad Z Uthman

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Aku bukan doktor..aku bukan ulama'..

Salam kawan2..

aku bukan doktor..
tak jugak aku sorg ulama'..
tp nape bile kes camni kua..
sume org nk kua fakta..
semua nk kua fatwa..

bia org terpelajar berhujah..
kite yg xde pe bia dengar..
sbb bab cmni..
bkn mase nk gune demokrasi..

jgn tibe semua nk lilit stethoscope..
semua nk sarung serban..
bile ilmu kat dada..
xde pon sehelai..