Thursday, March 31, 2011

treat people like u wan 2 be treated LAH~

so td ade lab genetics..
cm bese ade xperiment n ollz..
focus on mutants..

so we gather in a group of 5
n started working
its kinda crowded..
dont ask me y..its jus da intense..

so during dat tym..
got lil conflict bout 
da dilution methods..
its really easy
but as i said earlier- the intense.. an aura..
so my grupmates kinda 
had a lil arguments n ollz..

and as usual..
im da one place for him/her to
voice out da frustrations..
myb my forehead written
"kaunter luahan perasaan"
or myb im jus a good listener..

he/she asked me
"y wudnt people listen 2 wat i said?"
im jus simply reply
"if u wan people 2 listen 2 u..
u hav 2 listen 2 others as well"

so there u go..
 its jus simple as dat
we are all students..
learning..from others..
so lower ur egos n accept others opinions..
its not hard..jus shut up

we've been given wif 2ears n 1mouth..
so it shud be twice da listenin
rather than talking rite?

hope none will take dis personally..
n "buang yg keruh ambil yg jernih"
n never forget..
treat people like u wan 2 b treated..

trimas..salam :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Journey to da UKM..

dis afternoon went to UKM libry..
wif ShafiqNaimShazAkiHaziqSyafik..
to search sum info 4 msian studies 
assgnmnts n ollz..
da trip was fine..
but deep down in my heart 
stil dont think dis f(x) will ended up as planned..

so as i were saying..*or texting*
we all arrive around 3pm++
as owez..had a grab of drinks..
thy hav really nice fruit juices actly..
pure freshly blend from fruits..
not powder-made drinks..

so off to enter da libry..
sudnly got blocked at da rception..
we're not allowed to enter
coz we're not students in listed IPT's..

wat the freak?!
4 me, its like we're jus wanna
read sum of materials..
not gonna vandalise anythng..
plus, knowledge is for all..
given by GOD for us to share..
dis is too d*mn rdiculous..

later went to kdai cendol near UKM..
had to bungkus coz gtg to Shafiq house..
to get his things n watnots..
later we went off to Smnyih..
had some roti telor at Wak Jimi's..
and off to Beta Haus..

had a great tym btw..
spent tym wif them..
being in lots of trouble
yet end up da day wif smiles on our faces..

so here's photo captured during dat tym..
*totally candid pose*

trimas..salam :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


so td pagi cm bese ade pagi slase- BioChem
talking bout nucleic acids n DNA n ollz..

later went to MZ koner at pelangi smnyih..
got nice ayam rendang..
but xtremely HOOT~

had a brilliant discusion wif Naim Maulana
bout Nurture vs Nature
in simpler words- environmental vs hereditery..
its been like ferever im not in dat kinda talks..
arguing bout how da social behaviours n ollz..
kinda awesome but on da other side im kinda being like pakcik2
coz discus bout dis serius matters..
n at warung kopi..

its jus bout how ones attitude is influenced
by environmental factors rather than its hereditery..
i wont b talking dat much in here..

so thnx to him, im more open now..
some wise man once said..
"brain is like a parachute..
in order to make it works, u have to open it.."

so trimas..salam :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

a girl with lots of smiles..

so jus wana wish my lil fwen
hepi blated bday..
really intent to do dat 
here sum vdeo..
jus taken during our las dinner 
as college students at Srembn..
 keep on smilin dot :)

p/s: maaf ats sume salah silap ye..

trimas..salam :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

and now its perfect

so jus got back from notts..
had a great day btw..

so as go off from 15-mins data trnsfer class..
had a clash wif one of my clasmate on my way bak..
"hey da class over?" she said n i jus nod..

she look quite exhausted actly..
suddenly i can jus tell by da way 
she reacted means sumting..

she had a long sigh like 'aawww~'
so myb its my bes characteristics - listening to others..
so without asking anything she jus tell da whole story 
*ok myb not da whole*

actly she didnt make it to clas today
(dats not the main reason actly)
da part dat make her feel awful is dat 
she had to go thru a lot
jus to go to dis clas..

#1: her car got blocked by 2 other cars..
so cant went back during lunchtime..
so she car-pool wif her other frens..
#2: excitingly, she left her house-keys 
in her blocked-car..haish~ 
luckily got her housemate came home later on..
#3: her room was locked..and guess wat..
yup..left da keys in her car..
she told me dat she used a card to open her door open..
*r u a trained-ninja from japan, dear??*
#4: try to open her lappy..
ya rite another disaster..da powers off..
#5: got to go to uni by bus..waited so long..
so arrived late n bumped into me..

so there it goes..
for me, i think dat shes a really tough woman
(ok myb not woman, jus girl)
she keep on cover her face 
wif her small lil palm when we're talkin..
myb to bare da madness n craziness for today..
but yet stil able to smile..:)

look it at any ways u like..
but to me, its jus da ways things were..
u cant change da past..u jus might wana deal wif it..

myb if her car wasnt blocked,
myb shes not dis late for clas,
myb we didnt bumped into each other,
myb we didnt had dat cnversation,
n mayb jus maybe..
i didnt write dis entri..

trimas..salam :)

~and now its perfect~

it really does matters..

its 3.30 in da morning..
n im sleepy as hell..
got microbes test 2moro..
luckily oredi finish it
in xtremely 1-hour marathon slides..
so yeah..tiring =.=

early dis nyte..
got text from sum old fren of mine..
i thot he/she oredi forgot bout me..
but he/she its was okay..
its jus sumtimes great people jus came to ur lyfe
in jus da perfect timing when u needed 'em..
so thnx NK..

okay..gtg to bed now..nyte
trimas..salam :)

p/s: thnx Nur Atifah for da nite ^_^

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sinambungan Cinta

Aku bukan sinambungan kasihmu
Untuk engkau memenuhi rasa
Atau untuk melindungi kecewa
Setelah gagal bercinta

Aku bukan sinambungan rindumu
Menemani kesepianmu itu
Dan sebagaimana aku tahu
Kau tulis dalam buku harianmu

Sanggup kau memperdayakanku
Sanggup kau membohongi dirimu
Kau anggap cinta satu cerpen

Dengan pena engkau bermain
Kau pandai berpura
Hingga akhirnya aku terpedaya
Menjadi mangsa

Jangan ku dijadikan bahan sinambunganmu
Hanya untuk mengisi ruang hidupmu
Sebagai watak babak cintamu
Janganlah semuanya kau jadikan cerita
hingga akhirnya

Disuatu hari nanti pasti sinambunganmu
Akan terputus jua buat selamanya

aku bukan gayat..ak cume x ske ketinggian..

ok ni salah satu kekurengan diri..
4 da 2nd tym..ak x gayat..
aku jus xske pandang pmandgn dri tmpat tggi..

so ni ade potongan vdeo ak amek dri 
en syafik marzuki..trimas..
ulang skali lg ye..
xske tmpat tggi..bkn gayat..

trimas..salam :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Boys Become Men When They..

jus pick up from some of my favvy blogs..
thnx to Aza Aziz ..

1. Follow you when you walk out
2. Call you back when you hang out
3. Hug you when you punch him
4. Kiss you when you nag
5. Watch chick-flicks with you
6. Tolerate your crying over love story
7. Hand you the remote control
8. Pass on booze night just to listen to your rantings
9. Don't flare up when you give car directions
10. Says I'm sorry and tells you he needs you

is it all true?
hurm..myb..myb not

so trimas..salam :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

fortune cookies

jus got this from a fren of mine..
nice quote :D

"love is perfect..even when we're not.."

trimas..salam :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

mungkin awak tak perasan..

ni jus sumting yg tlintas td ble bace blog sumone..
maaf kalo x seberapa indah..


mungkin awk x pasan..
tiap kali sy mrh kat awk..
n cube kate xnk ngn awk lg..
sy mst balik kat awk blik..
sbb sy xrase lngkap kalo awk xde..

mungkin awk xpasan..
yg sy cube saket kan ati awk..
ngn cite2 bout my new lyfe..
but in fact im not realy njoing it..
sbb i wan us 2 b together again..

mungkin awk x pasan..
sy x pnah tggal kan cincin
n bracelet yg awk bg..
sbb sy taw cmne awk ske tgk sy 
pkai brg2 yg awk bg..
tnda sy msih tggu awk..

mungkin awak x pasan..
yg sy sll snyum..
sy epi sgt ble ngn awk..
wlau kite da xde pape..
sbb sy msih caye awk kn ngn sy lg sumday..

mungkin awk x pasan..
atau mungkin awk da lupe..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

aku tak paham la pmpuan..

lil bit controversional sket post kali ni..
bese la..kalo bab2 gender ni mmg rmai brasap tinge..
so jus nk luah kan siket pndpat ye..
boleh ye? boleh ye kak limah ye?

pmpuan ni mmg jnis yg ckap mmg bbelit2..
ok ayat 2 myb x bgus..
da beter word myb dorg ni jenis puitis la..
ske ckap x stret to da point..
cm sastera gitu..

so yg jd mangse ny kaum laki..
ktorg jnis manusia yg sush nk pham 
mksud tsirat yg korg cube smpi kn..
cm men teka teki..haish..

we're not mind readers u noe..
so in case of anything..jus say it out loud..
so dat we're clear..
so dat I'M CLEAR..

its not dat we didnt want to play
ur tekateki game o watnots..
its jus dat we're not good at it..
so pls understand..

trimas..salam :)

Monday, March 14, 2011


"Anak muda tenaganya memang tidak mampu ditahan2,,tetapi yang melemahkan mereka mungkin dari sudut ekonomi..tetapi jangan bukan segala2nya..." Iqzuan Samsudin

Saturday, March 12, 2011

got scolded.. T_T

got some advise from one of my fren..
here it is..*thru skype lor*

[6:55:29 PM] m*: advise no 1
[6:55:38 PM] m*: dont cpl

[6:55:42 PM] m*: advise no 2
[6:55:58 PM] m*: find sumone when u almost want 2 mary them

[6:55:58 PM] m*: advise num 3
[6:56:09 PM] m*: dont stick with long term relation
[6:56:24 PM] m*: leave them if they dont want 2 get seriuos

[6:56:28 PM] m*: advise 4
[6:56:34 PM] m*: love urself more than ur gf

[6:56:40 PM] m*: advise num 5
[6:57:07 PM] m*: try 2 be urself in front of her n not hypocrite

[6:57:11 PM] m*: advise no 6
[6:57:31 PM] m*: dunt take any advise from someone that doesnt know about relationship
coz theirs not as beautiful as they tought

[6:57:53 PM] m*: that's it

so lucky got fren like him/her.. :)


baru pulang dri clus msian stdies..
ok la..learn,no actly more of a rvision
bout sejarah n sistem organisasi msia n all dat..
kinda fun but 6hours of lectures..haish
u can imagine how tiring it would be..

so bak to main topic..
its jus bout my xperiences..
if u noe me, im quite n 'stick-to-myself' kinda guy..
myb its bcoz im too scared dat i might hurt somebdy..
o myb afraid of being rejected..o myb im jus da kind of guy
dat doesnt wan other people to noe me better..

wheneva im wanna sumting
i try to xpess it to others..most of it is da ones im close at..
but things hardly turned to da way im xpected..
all da tym..every single damn tym..
so i hope..later i'll jus stick to myself..
quiet..n silence..

so i keep to myself..

trimas..salam :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

why do partners lie? its about relationships again..i noe im not da kinda of person to talk bout dis..since all of mine was nver here are some lessons i learned from my previous ones..

couples due argue even when they think dat theyre totally sync in all matters..yeah..its all look so full of wonders in da begining but sooner or later u will hav to argue on something..

whether u like it or not..its a human nature..its the law of venus n mars..*if u read 'men are from mars, women are from venus' *

and lying was one of da y do people lie?y do hav to keep away from the truth?people always blame the liars and think that they're not da trustworthy partner nomore when they found outdat theirs partner was lets get a lil 'out-of-box' opinion on dis..

Love and Other Drugs

wake up always
had a hard tym las nyte..

hope to wake up dis moning
n wish everythng las nyte
was jus a bad dream..

not all bad but yeah its ok..
theres owez gud in everythng..
hikmah org kate..

so ned to get my head off things..
then try to watch some of
my 'da-donlod-tp-tak-sempat-tgk' movies..
title: Love and Other Drugs

nice story to remind us bout
and of course love..

so im okay now..
hope da same to her..

trimas..salam :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


tadi siang pas kelas smpat lg usha2 wall kat notts..
tbe2 nmpk lak poster2 yg lawa2..
mmg da lme pk nk amek pon..

poster yg kat bilik da lme..
n ned to b replace..haha
tp poster rox da world 10 mmg ttap tpahat dhati..
so ni la hasil tempelan ak kat dinding bilik..
lawa x lawa sgt la..
tp ape ak kesah..
dinding ak..haha

retro-kan diri-mu..ahaks
rox da world 10..

trimas..salam :)

haish..payah tol la coding2 nih..

so pagi ni bgn awal xtaw nk watpe..
bgn2 je tgk lappy..
dri smlm pasang lagu same je..
"Awie- Ratuku"
xtaw nape tp smlm rase cm bes sgt..

so tbe2 trase nk edit la sket blog..
nk jd ad bckground lagu yedop..
ak crik la mcm2..
try la pham sket2..
ubah sane ubah sini..
try edit HTML layout siap..

las2 bleh gk la..
not bad la..sori kalo anoying skit..
sbb dy auto play..
ape ak kesah..
lagu kapel kot..
band fevret..haha

trimas..salam :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

my life so far..

smalam lpak jmp kwn..
ngh lepak2 kat tepi jalan 
smbil tggu lg sorg mmbe..
ak tbe2 tsnyum 
n tringt blik how my lyfe turned out to be..
so its kinda funny story actly..

bile tringt balik sume menda yg da ak achieve..
sume yg ak da ade..
sume yg pnah ak wat..
im kinda proud wif my current me..

sejak lpas zaman skola dlu..
ok sepintar is not kind of school 
dat people like me wud proud of..
jd ak pon slalu tringin nk jd cm gile2 n go wild..
its not like culture shock or watever..
jus tired being hypocrite for so long..

im quite out to be a person i ever dream off..
ok..myb not exactly but it still hav 
some ups and downs..

#1 study life
so im not realy managed to frther my studies overseas..
but im in an international uni now..
n its one of da prestige uni ever..
got to further my dgree in biotech..
jus as i ever dream of..
hope got major on genetics..
jus like my promise to Ckg KK in sepintar dlu..
tggu ckg
sy bakal bukti kan pd sume..*tq ckg*
thnx to IB..presentations r lots easier now :)
ok..its not wat it looks like..

#2 appearance looks kinda funny 
when browse thru my former skul pics..
so nerd n innocent..:p
so now im kinda hppy wif my appearance..
although quite skinny 
but im being myself n its ok wif me..
no matter how people treat me..
misai n jnggut..esp..:)

kinda rox n roll style..mis dat great old times..:')
i m who i am :D

#3 finance now got sponsorship from mara..
so no ned to burden my fam no more..
n got xtra's for savings..for ASB..
so thnx mara..
plus now taking part-time job..


#4 families n friends
it goes well for all..
rapat kan hubgn ngn fam..
n met new bunch of frens..
eventhough skng da stdy jauh sket
*insyllah tiap2 2weks apis balik meru ye nenek ye?*

wak pi'e fam pix :)
so skng da stdy kat notts n met new frens..
kpale leh msuk sume n epi go lucky je..
tp plg pnting, kuat function..
haha..thnx guys..:)
port dickson- the "too gud to be true" trip..huhu
kap-cincai notty members :D

#5 love life
like always..
hav it ups n downs..
not stable yet..
ned steady rlationshp myb..
but it goes jus prety well..
myb jus didnt find da right one yet..
hey my future-love-life, wher r u dear?

so dats about it..hope i find my own path of life..
deal wif lots of probs n learn from it..
being more mature
n most of all - keep on smiling :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

heart of laughter..

jus got bak from jaming wif da guys..
bit tired n sleepy actly..
gotta hav lab tmrow at NINE a.m..

so by spending an hour playing music n sing songs..
kinda fun..makes forgot bout stress n probs elsewhere..
jus njoi n laugter..
cleans off da head..:)

evnthough not plying any..
i njoi myself quite a bit..

so thanx music..
thanx guys..
thanx God 4 such blessings..

thnx..dats all..tQ

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Streamyx is back on..

so as the title goes, streamyx for beta haus
 is now back to service..
after 3months of tunggakan..haha..

actly we(me n shaz n syafiq) pay da bill
 jus bcoz da cnnection was being cut..
doesnt hav da intention to pay it on tym though..LOL

since streamyx blackout, 
so many things going on in my minds..
if only i hav a lappy n da cnnection, 
myb ill write a thousand entries..

but now its on n im lost oll of em..

oops..shes texting me.. thnx 4 reading..
jus my 2cents..