Saturday, March 12, 2011


baru pulang dri clus msian stdies..
ok la..learn,no actly more of a rvision
bout sejarah n sistem organisasi msia n all dat..
kinda fun but 6hours of lectures..haish
u can imagine how tiring it would be..

so bak to main topic..
its jus bout my xperiences..
if u noe me, im quite n 'stick-to-myself' kinda guy..
myb its bcoz im too scared dat i might hurt somebdy..
o myb afraid of being rejected..o myb im jus da kind of guy
dat doesnt wan other people to noe me better..

wheneva im wanna sumting
i try to xpess it to others..most of it is da ones im close at..
but things hardly turned to da way im xpected..
all da tym..every single damn tym..
so i hope..later i'll jus stick to myself..
quiet..n silence..

so i keep to myself..

trimas..salam :)

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