Tuesday, June 21, 2011

why do u always be a good friend and always a bad bf

salam..hello..kadang2 disebabkan tlalu byk kecewe ngn my past relationships wat ak tpikir ape salah ak..kat mne ak silap..bile ak wat salah..ape bleh ak wat utk btol kan balik..so x yah pkir lame myb ak da dpat kot jwpn ny..buat jejaka2 yg sering hadapi mslh sama, mungkin ini dpat mmbntu..

a good friend is da one who
#1: owez by their side wheneve or wateve they needed..wat golongan wanita rasa selesa..and secure..
#2: a good listener girls like guys to listen to 'em..make 'em feel like they are interesting..girls need a friend other than their gender to tell their secrets and feelings with.
#3: loyal girls need a friend dat is always loyal and pay all attention to them..
#4: care bout them girls like friend who care and respect them fully bout their safety and feelings..make them feel its okay after a whole day full of bullsh*t..

ur a bad bf bcoz:
#1: owez by their side girls need men that always busy..don have tym for them..
#2: a good listener girls wanted men to ignore them..making them felt challenged..
#3: loyal being loyal making u in da most vulnerable situation ever..makes u being dependent to 'em..ur nothing without them..dats y they need men dat un-loyal n un-faithful to them..
#4: care bout them girls need men dat treat them badly..don even give a crap to wat they might have gone thru..so being care makes u a bad bf dat doesnt show ur manhood enuf..

so there u goes..girls are mature enuf to choose which one they wanted..and surely not da kind of person i am rite now..

trimas..salam :)

1 comment:

M said...

speechless. tsk tsk.