Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Ultimate Hipster

Salam hello..ok kali ni just nk cite pasal sorang rakan aku yg mmg unik..kalo bleh ak nk kate mmg one in a million la kot..once in a baik, kacak, penyayang..agak yg lain sikit ni dy mmg xkan agree ngn ape yg org cadang kan..bkn ny dy bangkang x berasas..mmg ade mmg akan canggah nye la kalo x byk..msti ade..xtaw nape..tringat cam dalam family guy ade satu episod mne Brian Griffin ngn Lois borak2..Brian akn disagree ngn sume pndpat org..n rase dy the smartest person in da room..

Lois: Look, Brian, all I'm saying is it's not normal for people to change their political views so radically overnight.
Brian: Lois, no offense, but you don't exactly know what you're talking about. I mean,'re not exactly a fountain of political knowledge yourself.
Lois: You want to know what I think is happening here?
Brian: Oh, this should be rich and overtaxed.
Lois: I think you just got to be in the "out" group. Whoever's on top, whoever's in power, whoever's successful, you gotta be on the other side or you don't feel like the smartest guy in the room. All you are, my dear, is a contrarian.
Brian: Oh, please, you could not be more off base.
Lois: Oh, yeah? Let me ask, what did you think of the movie Titanic?
Brian: Horrible, one of the worst movies ever made.
Lois: Mm-hm, what about Slumdog Millionaire?
Brian: Overrated, just a terrible movie.
Brian: Actually, not a bad film. You know, as classically structured cinema, Cocktail was one of the best films of its era.
Lois: You make me sick, Brian.

bkn nk same kn ade la lbih kurg tmbh tolak sikit cmtu dy la kawan aku..terima seadanye..oh mr ultimate hipster :)

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