Tuesday, December 20, 2011

penyakit study week

salam..hello so nex week start study week. tp cm bese kami sbg student yg bdedikasi x kn study akn habis kan 99.9% of our study week with these things.. :)

1- tdo lambat
2- bgn lambat
3- maen game yg lgsg x pnah tpikir kat fb
4- explore part of ur rumah sewa yg korg x pnah pegi..
5- maen game yg addicted and mmg makan mase kaw2 punye lame
    cm HoN or Dota x pon plantVSzombie jadah
6- layan cite yg mmg kaw2 punye panjang season
    cm Supernatural season 1-7, how i met ur mother, walking dead and etc.
7- layan site2 yg kalo scroll smpi ble2 pon x kn abes cm tumblr, 9gag and failblog..

so mmg cmni la penyakit yg timbul tiap kali study week..mmg patot ubah..tp ni la yg wat kan kngn yg x kn dapat lagi bile kite da x jd student lg n masuk alam keje..so kite enjoy~ LOL

p/s: self facepalm

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pabila Kisah Cintaku dah Jadi macam Drama Melayu

Aku: Hati2 la ye bila kuar nant..jage diri sume taw..
Dia: Nape ckap cmtu? mcm x caye kat saye je..
Aku: Ok la..saya x ckap mcm tu dah la..buat la apa yg awk rase ok..
Dia: Awak ni!! Awak dah tak syg saya ke?


Jgn pelik la..ni mmg kesah benar dan mmg dah tjadi kat aku..mayb aku yg x reti nak paham pe yg wahai golongan wanita sedang fikir kan..tp pape pon ak ttap syg gadis tambatan hati ak ni..

p/s: ilysm mama..jgn mrh ye :P

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nothing's Perfect

there is nothing perfect in this world..it shouldnt be..
because if there is, it'll be no point of tomorrow..

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What He Said And What She Heard

He: u need a hand?
She: I know dat im weak

He: wanna me to come over?
She: I know dat i have no frens

He: well done on ur results
She: im know dat im not smart

He: u look nice
She: I know dat im ugly

He: wats matter wif u?
She: i know im just a burden to u

She: Just go away
He: Okay

*sometimes ill never know until i made dat mistake..im sorry..truly am*

Sunday, November 27, 2011



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

terasa cm nk tulis lagu kalo bleh :D

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Eat Your Bacteria

Food does not last forever. Each and every one of them has it shelf life. However, there are ways which food can be stored for a longer period of time that is by fermenting it. Over the centuries, men have fermenting foods for agricultural needs and become one of the standardized components for traditional diets. Besides longer shelf life, there are lots of beneficial impacts of consuming fermented fruits that public unaware of.

For one, fermented fruits enriched with lactic acid bacteria introduced lots of helpful probiotic to our digestive system. There are plenty of advantages gains from probiotic in the gut to our health. They can help fight bad bacteria that cause stomach diseases such as diarrhoea and vomiting caused by bacterial infections. By improving digestion, more nutrients, vitamins and minerals are being able to absorb. As a result, our body can have a better absorption.

In addition to healthy digestion, fermented fruits also being proven to help lowering the cholesterol level in our body. As we all known, high concentration of cholesterol are associated with various chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and heart attack. Hence, lowering the cholesterol level may reduce the chances of getting affected and increase chances to get a healthy life.

People have been eating fermenting fruits for thousands of years and evidence shows that there are definitely positive impacts on it. All things considered, I think fermented fruits should be a vital part of a healthy diet.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kesah Kau dan Orang Laen

ko betul x makne org laen salah..
ko laju x makne org laen lambat..
ko baek x makne org len jahat..
ko pandai x makne org laen bodoh..
*jadi ape beza kau dengan org laen?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Student = Rambut Gugur

salam hello..so ak x taw la ni jus fenomena kat Beta Haus 2.0 ke mmg sume org pnah jd cmni..sebab rambut gugur besepah siot kat sini..dlm mase 2 ari je rmbut kalo sapu da bleh jd cm kat kedai potong rambut maple la kate kan..da jd cm mini chewbacca lak ak tgk..haish..rambut oh rambut..

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"i dont intend to give u da hand-out papers so dat u didnt think dat u own the knowledge..no sir..u jus own a dead tree.."
Chris-Hill (Communicating Biosciences-1st lecture)*well-said*

Sunday, October 16, 2011

kadang2 ada benda yang kita buat semata2 
kita tak nak kehilangan seseorang..
walau apa dalam apa pon keadaan..
yang penting hati kita bersama..

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Endocrinology #101

salam hello..so early dis morning..okay not so early around 10 o'clock dis morning i had an endocrinology module and jus talking bout main part of the whole endocrine system that is the brain and hypothalamus..and sum stuffs bout hormone secretion..somato-trophin, thyro-trophin, cortico-trophin and much more..later Miss Aini told the class that the word 'trophin' means 'to turn on'..suddenly all in lecture room respond "ooooooohhh"..and all laughed..'to turn on'..

 'nuf said..

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Bday Bro

salam hello..kelmarin ktorg clebrate bday membe of Beta Haus 2.0 brsama2..plan nk lpak karok je..tp ptg tu smpat lak usha kt kdai kek area tesco n tpikir nk wat suprise sket..so bli la kek siket..yela utk membe..skali skale blnje pon ok gk..tp agk klaka la..da la plih yg murah..pastu crik yg ade dskaun..xpela..asal kek..mhal x penting..yg pnting ikhlas yedop? mlm bjalan sperti biase..ak ngn shafiq gi amek kek yg ktorg tumpang kat umah dak2 pmpuan..x nk smpan kat umah sndri..tkut nnt dy pasan lak..lpak karok n time aki syok2 layan lagu jiwang karat dy ktorg masuk bwk kek ngn lilin da mnyale sume jadah..

p/s: tQ bro sbb sllu blnje ktorg pizza n sllu berdebat dalam sume hal..tp pape pon tQ sbb sllu tmbh warna warni dlm idop ktorg..especially dalam idop ak.. thanx :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ceritera Tentang Dia (She)

sebab dia teman yang baik walau aku x reti bkawan ngn gadis
sebab dia penyabar walau aku sll lmbat
sebab dia peramah walau aku x reti bborak
sebab dia punya senyuman yg menarik walau aku kadang2 masam
sebab dia suka benda2 comel walau slame ni aku kurang tdedah ngn elemen2 kecomelan
sebab dia suka bagi nasihat walau kadang2 aku degil
sebab dia pembersih walau aku selekeh
sebab dia buat tersenyum tiap kali aku teringat kan dia
sebab dia buat aku tak rase aku sendirian lagi
sebab dia aku tak lagi rasa sunyi

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ini yang Aku Faham

salam hello..seperti biasa Malaysia kini kalo time2 cmni mmg ujan je pagi ptg siang malam..terencat pergerakan seorang mat motor seperti ku ini namun tak penah patah semangat..so mlm ni lpak kat warung mkn sate Nana tp dsebabkan akhir bulan serta perut x brape nk kosong, nasik bujang jd tempahan utk alas perut..

mase nk pulang sempat lg singgah amek moto kat notts yg ak tggal kan ptg td sbb ujan..mnumpang moto sahabat Beta Haus 2.0..ak agk tharu la sbb dlm ujan2 renyai snggup teman kan aku amek moto yg mmg salah ak x amek sndri ptg tuh..tp beliau snyap je..teman ak wlau pe pn..nk d buat kan cerite tbe2 time da smpi notts ujan mule turun ngn lebat nye..

mule2 ktorg redah je..smpi dpan taman tasik smnyh (pertengahan jalan ke rumah) beliau amek simpang ke kdai bdekatan..ak pon trus kan ke stsen minyak tdekat sbb meter minyak ak da kaw2 low nih..tkut kalo stop nnt kne mnolak lak..lebat x lebat ujan tuh bleh la kate kalo nek moto bleh mlayang la gk ke kiri kanan..lpas isi minyak ak cm rase x sdap ati lak nk tggal kan dy sorg2 kat sane..

so ak pon ptah balik n teman kan dy..sbb salah ak gk dy stuck kat ujan ni..ksian gk brader ni..adus..ak x kesah la basah ke sejuk ke..penting dpat lepak same2..sbb kalo bsame xde la rase kesorangan sgt..susah pon nampak jd cm senang..

ni la beliau

ak x kesah ade budak kate budak klantan kdg2 perangai semacam..ape ak kesah..time ak susah ade korg nk tolong? membe ak ni gk yg tolong..korg pk slamat kn bontot masing2 je..dy membe aku..sahabat aku..ak knal dy lbih dari sape2 nk judge dy..x kire susah ke sng ak tau dy ade utk buat ak rase comfort..and ape korg buat? mngate belakang..

bg aku, tak kire la tmpat asal korg katne..kedah ke perak ke johor ke kl ke even papua new guinea skali pon..kalo niat ati nk bsahabat sume tu da boleh tolak tepi..sbb ak da knal sorg membe yg cmni..

ini yang mak bapak aku ajar..
ini yang atok nenek ak tunjuk..
ini yang abg2 n adek bradek ak rase..
ini yang kawan2 aku kongsi..
ini yang aku paham..

p/s: thanx bro..beta haus 2.0 rules..yeaahhh!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011


if not you, who?
if not now, when?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What say You?

"Kamu amik kos pe tadi? Biotek ye? Pakcik nk tau gk pe idea kamu untuk mase depan. Cerita lah," tegur pakcik yg juga pesara guru sekolah menengah semasa menyantap selera di salah satu kenduri kahwin kg meru.. Aku hanya mampu tersengih kambing sambil ketawa2 manje..tiba2 pakcik tu jd mcm serius semacam..dy kate pakcik btol2 nk taw..agk tgamam la aku..bkn salah pakcik tu..ni sume salah aku..sbb ak mmg xde pape idea untuk mase depan..ak ikot je ape yg nk jadi..x rancang utk mase depan aku..tak tau ape idea aku nk contribute utk maju kan negara bila aku nnt da grad..so myb from now on ak akn cube plan sikit2 n bkn jus utk jwb soalan di kenduri kahwin..malah leh lanci time nanti kalo tok kadi nk kahwen kn ak ngn sape2 bakal bini aku yg hot tuh time akad nikah nnt..so aku tanye lg skali..plan and idea untuk masa depan..what say you?

Monday, September 12, 2011


jangan pandang sejarah sebagai one and only truth..for there is multiple truth..dalam benar ada silap..dalam silap ada benar..

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bila Kali Terakhir Mu? (When was Your Last Time?)

salam hello..so skng da macam2 kes..puase..raya..open haus..kes nk masuk stdy balik sume jadah..and i had kinda crazee wekend..tapi x nk cerite sume tuh..ni jus nk chitchat sket..light je kisah ni..xyah kerut2 dahi..chill~ so last nyte on my way balik meruville kampong halaman tersayang tbe2 ujan turun ngn lebat..dsebab kan xde kenderaan bbumbung terpakse ak amek shelter bwh fli-over kat area serdang..x ramai yg lepak bwh tu..jus ak, sepasang couple n sorang pokcik india + his lil' daughter..so cam biasa ak mmg xleh tgk pokcik mne2 lepak sorg2..so ak dtg la rapat sket n mula kan ayat2 klise utk start conversation..

ok ak strt ngn describe appearance beliau..umur lingkungan 40-an..badan tggi lampai tapi cengkung kurus..ada tiub saluran yg biasa gune utk masukkan mknn utk psakit mlalui hidung..x jadi hormat pulak ak kalo nk tny pe saket beliau..so ak jus tggu je la smpi dy sndri cerita..dy kate dy dlm pjalann nk ke hospital kat kajang..mknn yg dy mkn x leh msuk ikot tiub..sume kluar balik.."masuk tak mahu tapi keluar saja," kata beliau..punca saket x tahu..mungkin kne racun ke ape pon x sure lg..

dlu beliau keje bwk lori tanah..area cnstruction kat putrajaya..boleh la dpat sbulan gaji dlm rm2k..support fam and all..tp skng da saket..dy kate da 4bulan camni..2bulan dok dlm hospital..anak kecik lagi..masih lagi skola..skng dy xdpat keje lg..sume org xnk amek dy keje sbb dy saket..so bini dy jela yg support fam skng..dy kate dlm lingkungan rm600 je sbulan..bleh byr sewa rumah + mkn minum je..tp dy x ngeluh pon..

bile ak dgr sume cite2 dy sambil dtemani dingin ujan baru ak pasan..sbnar nye Allah jus tarek satu je dari nikmat2 Nya dari pokcik ni..nikmat makan..pakcik ni x dpat rasa mknn..xdpat tgk mknn..tringin tp x dpat mkn..xdpat telan mknn..sume kne masuk ikut tiub..dari dulu bdn beso skng da cengkung..cuma satu nikmat dan hidup jd x mnentu..

berapa besar sgt kita nak bangga2 dgn diri sendiri...sume pinjaman n anugerah Ilahi..so ak nk tny lg skali..bile kali terakhir korg ucap syukur?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sama-sama Kasih :)

"terima kasih sebab faham saya. terima kasih sebab selalu ada dengan saya.terima kasih sebab selalu backup saya.terima kasih sebab buat saya rasa ada orang still sayang saya," 

sama-sama kasih awak :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Food-borne Illness

salam hello..so currently im selling drinks at MeruVille's Ramadhan Bazaar and it has been going on smoothly..but yesterday got some shocking news..one of the families in meruville has been attacked with foodborne illness and until later this evening it is reported that one of them has been passed away..innalillah..however, the true cause of the illness is yet to be unknown..the authorities has been inspecting all the stalls for further investigation..so based on the facts i gathered recently, it is said that the victim was eating food that was sells at the bazaar..here are the menus:

1- air batu campur (ABC)
2- Otak2
3- Roti john..
4- air Bandung

it is to my understandings due to my study on Microbial Physiology and Food Hygiene in Uni Nottingham it is most commonly the victim was infected with E. Coli due to the intake of Otak2 because it is made out of raw fish and easily being contaminated without precautionary measures. plus, it just require a small number of bacteria(approximately ~10) to make it fatal. however there are still other possibilities and hope the research will show their results fast enough to prevent further outburst. hope you can also discuss further about ur own hypothesis based on this incident. thank you.

p/s: i cant eat my dinner today..just thinking bout all the microbes..haish~

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ramadhan, Kek dan Liverpool

semalam rancang buka puasa kat luar..area dataran shah alam..walau banyak halangan, akhirnya berjaya juga majlis tu.tambahan pula plan nak prank my eldest bro, Latif untuk sambutan hari jadi dia yg ke-25..

thanks batip for being our first.. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ada Mulut Tanya lah

salam hello. semenjak menceburi bidang bazaar ramadhan ni, aku mula berjumpa ramai orang beserta pelbagai ragam. juga pelbagai pengajaran dan teladan dah aku cedok daripada mereka. ni pula kisah seorang anak jawa MeruVille. kesah tentang ibu nya yang belajar tak tinggi. tapi berani pergi ke tanah suci. sama seperti kisah zaman nenek dan atuk aku dulu kerja kan haji. di mana juadah bagi jemaah haji dan umrah tak lagi disediakan ala buffet oleh pihak Tabung Haji. mereka perlu memasak juadah sendiri ketika di tanah suci. manakan lekat lidah anak jawa jika tidak menelan sambal belacan serta sayur bening. jadi ibu tersebut merayau rayau di pasar Mekah untuk mencari belacan. alhamdulillah dapat juga ketemui. juadah dikongsi beramai2 beserta jemaah yang lain. mengeratkan hubungan sesama manusia disamping merapatkan hati dan jiwa pada Ilahi.
amat aku teruja dengan semangat ibu tersebut. ibu nya berpesan, "ada mulut tanya lah,". sebenarnya kita sebagai anak terpelajar sudah tahu dengan kenyataan ini. tapi kita perlu sering diingatkan. pelik tapi itu lah hakikat nya. kita tahu tapi tak amal. samalah macam pokok tak berbuah. rugi.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tembak Tak Nampak

since sekarang dah start jualan kat bazaar ramadhan..xde la jual ape sgt..setakat aer je..tp boleh la kate 6 balang jenis lain2..teh bunga, barli lemon, tembikai laici, kedondong asam,tebu ngn oltimefevret soya..haha..so masa lepak2 jualan tuh sempat la borak2 ngn brader jual sate kat gerai sebelah..ok la frenly..tp body figure agk mnakutkan lah..cm bodyguard aka bonzer la kate kan..kate nye dy stdy x tggi..tngkatan 3 je..kuat ponteng kelas..tp dy tetap ikhtiar hidup..mule kerja kilang besi tembaga *patot la bketek siot* tp tym krisis besi dunia tahun 2008 buat kerjaya dy goyah..so dy mintak brenti n start bniaga..mule kerja makan gaji kat restoran..dari waiter smpi ke dapor sume alhamdulillah dy da reti skng..pastu rancang bniaga kecik2..start jual roti canai..tp mcm biasa, bniaga ade aje masalah..pagi uli tepung, petang da basi..pelik tapi tu lah lumrah bniaga org mlayu..pantang tgk org maju, ade je nk cemburu..dy kate bniaga ni bagus..alhamdulliah skng dy da bleh dpat pndapatan stable monthly around rm1600++..dy kate rezeki Allah ade je kat mane2..pandai carik ikhtiar..pandai carik jalan..insyallah Dia tunjukkan..lagi satu pesan dy..bniaga ni lain..bniaga ni mcm tembak bnda yang tak nampak..kalo tembak bnda nampak, senang..tau mane nk aim..yg ni tak nampak..kena bserah pada Ilahi..

Monday, August 1, 2011

selagi aku masih ada

salam..hello..lama rasanya tak tulis panjang2.jadi sempena di pagi ramadhan yang mulia ni trasa nk luah kan secebis rasa hati yang mungkin boleh dikongsi bersama. entah kenapa semalam masa sibuk tolong atok nenek kemas rumah, terasa semacam je. rasa macam mungkin aku tak ada kat sini lama lagi. mungkin aku da tak ada masa lagi. aku nak rakam semua kenangan bersama orang yang rapat dengan aku. bukan untuk sendiri tapi untuk nanti bila aku dah tak ade, diorang boleh tgk balik apa aku baca dan paham apa yang aku rasa buat diorang. dan aku akan cuba buat terbaik buat semua. 
jadi semalam bgn2 pagi je dah atok panggil, sebab dah memang janji nk tolong atok betol kan warung depan dan tolong pasang bndera. atok ngn nenek memang patriotik. tiap tahun beli bndera. bndera msia, bndera slgor, bndera tmpal kat kereta. "ala, rm6 je. buat apa nak berkira," pesan Atok. bangga dapat tahu aku sebahagian dari zuriat nya. 
lepas tu betul kan warung tempat atok jualan air biasa nya. tapi ramadhan ni atok nenek tak jadi niaga sebab pakcu nk tolong jual kan air soya dan tebu kat bazar. takpe lah bagi org laen bniaga kat depan. Ibu bakyah nk jual kuih muih kata nya. insyallah dipermudahkan segala urusan. 

selagi aku masih ada. selagi aku ada masa. selagi senyuman ini masih tercipta :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

im hurting others..sorry

‎100% Malaysian No Foreigners..

biar rimau blm tumbuh taring..jgn singa celop..

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


masa..kalau aku ada masa nak sangat aku balik ke masa kau dan aku maseh lagi kawan..x kesah masalah masing-masing..aku tak kesah dengar cite ko dari petang smpai malam..aku nak kau ada dengan aku..dekat dan rapat dengan aku..senyum kau yang kau malu-malu nak tunjuk..walau kite skadar kawan..sekurang-kurang aku tak kesorangan..tak macam sekarang..tak kire ape aku buat..sentiase rase tak sempurna..tapi ape aku buat pon aku tetap tak dapat masa dulu..sebab aku dan kau tak macam dulu..


I'll go, wherever, whenever
If ever, you need me, I'll be here

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


semenjak due menjak atok ak beli limau kat pasar jumat mggu lepas tiap2 ari mrase limau..teh limau..sirap limau..aer limau panas..aer limau sejuk..paling xleh bla basuh tgn ngn limau..tbaekk~

Sunday, July 24, 2011


when you lose everything you want, you find the only thing you need.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


sorry to say la..tapi nak x nak ak kne gtaw gk..dahi ko luas doh..

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

tak semua laki bangsat

kalau korang boleh nampak dari sudut pandang ape yang aku nampak mungkin korang akan paham.

Monday, July 18, 2011

definitely maybe

theres always a character whos always been the friend but then realizes she doesnt just wanna be the friend.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

jangan risau. mereka masih ada. :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

soal hati

"bila ak ngn ko pon ak maseh lg pk psal dia. ak myb leh tpo org len. tp sape ak nk tpo snanye. ak x dpat tpo ape ak rase. hati aku. "
terima kasih sebab terus terang. takde aku terkejar2 kau lagi. :)
Because if I look into your eyes
Then Ill have to say goodbye
And thatll break my heart
So I wont even start
I wont even start

Monday, July 4, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011


biar tak kenyang tapi tak lapar
biar tak cantik tapi tak menunjuk
biar tak kaya tapi tak kedekut
biar tak sempurna tapi tak sengsara
biar tak kerja tapi bayar sewa rumah..
One day you’re gonna want her. That girl that knew she wasn’t perfect, but tried to be for you. That girl who wanted nothing more than to be there for you, and loving you was the only way she could. The girl who sees your flaws, but values them as much as your strengths. That girl who still can’t bring herself to hate you, even though sometimes you probably deserve it. The girl that should have you, but doesn’t.

Monday, June 27, 2011

MeruVille mode activated

salam hello..so slepas 2weks mnmbah lemak dan memakan angin di kuching..now its time utk kembali ke kg halaman..trus kan ape yg patot dibuat..da dpat job at OU n probably gonna stay kat situ..ajak mmbe keje kat klang, tp xde pape brite pon..lantak la..bz kot..so skng mood da mggunung..ade lg 3bulan..n for sure nk njoi puas2 b4 bulan pose..gambatte!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

why do u always be a good friend and always a bad bf

salam..hello..kadang2 disebabkan tlalu byk kecewe ngn my past relationships wat ak tpikir ape salah ak..kat mne ak silap..bile ak wat salah..ape bleh ak wat utk btol kan balik..so x yah pkir lame myb ak da dpat kot jwpn ny..buat jejaka2 yg sering hadapi mslh sama, mungkin ini dpat mmbntu..

a good friend is da one who
#1: owez by their side wheneve or wateve they needed..wat golongan wanita rasa selesa..and secure..
#2: a good listener girls like guys to listen to 'em..make 'em feel like they are interesting..girls need a friend other than their gender to tell their secrets and feelings with.
#3: loyal girls need a friend dat is always loyal and pay all attention to them..
#4: care bout them girls like friend who care and respect them fully bout their safety and feelings..make them feel its okay after a whole day full of bullsh*t..

ur a bad bf bcoz:
#1: owez by their side girls need men that always busy..don have tym for them..
#2: a good listener girls wanted men to ignore them..making them felt challenged..
#3: loyal being loyal making u in da most vulnerable situation ever..makes u being dependent to 'em..ur nothing without them..dats y they need men dat un-loyal n un-faithful to them..
#4: care bout them girls need men dat treat them badly..don even give a crap to wat they might have gone thru..so being care makes u a bad bf dat doesnt show ur manhood enuf..

so there u goes..girls are mature enuf to choose which one they wanted..and surely not da kind of person i am rite now..

trimas..salam :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Thursday, June 9, 2011


salam..hello..so since mama-abah-atok-nenek sume da pegi umrah..n its for 2 weeks, kami adek bradek kne la blaja utk survive tanpa mknn..sb slame ni kalo lapo je gi umah nenek n nenek sentiase ade mknn..n sume sdap2..kire mcm food heaven la..tp skng ni dorg ngah oliday, ktorg la kne take over the job..huhu..rase agk pelik..sbb bese ade smbal blacan nenek tak pon mak yg wat smbal blacan..xtaw la nape, tp rase cm dorg ny smbal blacan da bes in da world..resepi kturunan kot :P

trimas..salam :)

* buat mama abah atok nenek, smoga sihat2 selalu n dapat ape yg kalian ingin kan..trime kaseh sbb menjaga kami slame ni..dan insyllah kami dapat menjaga diri kami mulai ini..jgn risau..mungkin sudah tiba masa kami pula menjalankan tugas ini..terima kasih..terima kasih mama..terima kasih abah..terima kasih atok..terima kasih nenek..we love u all ^.^ *