Wednesday, March 23, 2011

and now its perfect

so jus got back from notts..
had a great day btw..

so as go off from 15-mins data trnsfer class..
had a clash wif one of my clasmate on my way bak..
"hey da class over?" she said n i jus nod..

she look quite exhausted actly..
suddenly i can jus tell by da way 
she reacted means sumting..

she had a long sigh like 'aawww~'
so myb its my bes characteristics - listening to others..
so without asking anything she jus tell da whole story 
*ok myb not da whole*

actly she didnt make it to clas today
(dats not the main reason actly)
da part dat make her feel awful is dat 
she had to go thru a lot
jus to go to dis clas..

#1: her car got blocked by 2 other cars..
so cant went back during lunchtime..
so she car-pool wif her other frens..
#2: excitingly, she left her house-keys 
in her blocked-car..haish~ 
luckily got her housemate came home later on..
#3: her room was locked..and guess wat..
yup..left da keys in her car..
she told me dat she used a card to open her door open..
*r u a trained-ninja from japan, dear??*
#4: try to open her lappy..
ya rite another disaster..da powers off..
#5: got to go to uni by bus..waited so long..
so arrived late n bumped into me..

so there it goes..
for me, i think dat shes a really tough woman
(ok myb not woman, jus girl)
she keep on cover her face 
wif her small lil palm when we're talkin..
myb to bare da madness n craziness for today..
but yet stil able to smile..:)

look it at any ways u like..
but to me, its jus da ways things were..
u cant change da past..u jus might wana deal wif it..

myb if her car wasnt blocked,
myb shes not dis late for clas,
myb we didnt bumped into each other,
myb we didnt had dat cnversation,
n mayb jus maybe..
i didnt write dis entri..

trimas..salam :)

~and now its perfect~


surf-fix @ ibnu marzuki.. said...

sape wei?..hehe

Anonymous said...

i know her car was blocked.she tumpang me.oh.really??x tau pon.sgt bsimpati

Anonymous said...

nama xdapat diterbit kan ats sebab2 copyrights..:p

surf-fix @ ibnu marzuki.. said...


ShoppingKain said...

nina tau sapeeeeeeeeee! :D

Pa'tam said...

aku rase aku tahu sapa. aku rasa jelah. tak konfem lagi

marissa said...

thanks hafiz coz u listened :)