Saturday, March 5, 2011

my life so far..

smalam lpak jmp kwn..
ngh lepak2 kat tepi jalan 
smbil tggu lg sorg mmbe..
ak tbe2 tsnyum 
n tringt blik how my lyfe turned out to be..
so its kinda funny story actly..

bile tringt balik sume menda yg da ak achieve..
sume yg ak da ade..
sume yg pnah ak wat..
im kinda proud wif my current me..

sejak lpas zaman skola dlu..
ok sepintar is not kind of school 
dat people like me wud proud of..
jd ak pon slalu tringin nk jd cm gile2 n go wild..
its not like culture shock or watever..
jus tired being hypocrite for so long..

im quite out to be a person i ever dream off..
ok..myb not exactly but it still hav 
some ups and downs..

#1 study life
so im not realy managed to frther my studies overseas..
but im in an international uni now..
n its one of da prestige uni ever..
got to further my dgree in biotech..
jus as i ever dream of..
hope got major on genetics..
jus like my promise to Ckg KK in sepintar dlu..
tggu ckg
sy bakal bukti kan pd sume..*tq ckg*
thnx to IB..presentations r lots easier now :)
ok..its not wat it looks like..

#2 appearance looks kinda funny 
when browse thru my former skul pics..
so nerd n innocent..:p
so now im kinda hppy wif my appearance..
although quite skinny 
but im being myself n its ok wif me..
no matter how people treat me..
misai n jnggut..esp..:)

kinda rox n roll style..mis dat great old times..:')
i m who i am :D

#3 finance now got sponsorship from mara..
so no ned to burden my fam no more..
n got xtra's for savings..for ASB..
so thnx mara..
plus now taking part-time job..


#4 families n friends
it goes well for all..
rapat kan hubgn ngn fam..
n met new bunch of frens..
eventhough skng da stdy jauh sket
*insyllah tiap2 2weks apis balik meru ye nenek ye?*

wak pi'e fam pix :)
so skng da stdy kat notts n met new frens..
kpale leh msuk sume n epi go lucky je..
tp plg pnting, kuat function..
haha..thnx guys..:)
port dickson- the "too gud to be true" trip..huhu
kap-cincai notty members :D

#5 love life
like always..
hav it ups n downs..
not stable yet..
ned steady rlationshp myb..
but it goes jus prety well..
myb jus didnt find da right one yet..
hey my future-love-life, wher r u dear?

so dats about it..hope i find my own path of life..
deal wif lots of probs n learn from it..
being more mature
n most of all - keep on smiling :)


Anonymous said...

nice entry ^^
keep it on with ur life...

Mohamad Arif Wajidi b Ahamad Kamal said...

semua budak kms dkt india rindu dkt kau pis..ktrng dh label kau tahap legend..haha

Anonymous said...

sengal la jidi..pergh..ty bro..kalian la legend-di-hatiku..haha :D

blade said...

im here babeh :D