Tuesday, March 29, 2011


so td pagi cm bese ade pagi slase- BioChem
talking bout nucleic acids n DNA n ollz..

later went to MZ koner at pelangi smnyih..
got nice ayam rendang..
but xtremely HOOT~

had a brilliant discusion wif Naim Maulana
bout Nurture vs Nature
in simpler words- environmental vs hereditery..
its been like ferever im not in dat kinda talks..
arguing bout how da social behaviours n ollz..
kinda awesome but on da other side im kinda being like pakcik2
coz discus bout dis serius matters..
n at warung kopi..

its jus bout how ones attitude is influenced
by environmental factors rather than its hereditery..
i wont b talking dat much in here..

so thnx to him, im more open now..
some wise man once said..
"brain is like a parachute..
in order to make it works, u have to open it.."

so trimas..salam :)


M said...

eheh. pakcik! :D

Anonymous said...

ehehe..ko mokcik :p